Hazel (1950-1992)

| Ronald
(Stozo The Clown) Edwards is one of Parliament / Funkadelic's troika of Funky
graphic artists, along with Overton Loyd and Pedro Bell. Besides doing 2-D artwork,
Stozo is also a practicing red-nose clown, and makes music as well. He performs
with a P-Funk spinoff group called 420 Funk Mob. Stozo put out his own CD called
"The DigiDonz" a few years ago, and has just released Urban Psychodelic
Fonk; The DigiDonz 2 on KlownRed Music. There
is much more to say about Stozo, but this is a review of DigiDonz 2: I
first listened to this CD one song at a time, taking notes, and getting all studious
about things - luckily I got distracted, and just let the music play while I lived
my life. After that, I had a lot more fun with DigiDonz 2 as an ear show,
and continue to enjoy it through many repeated trackings. What
follows is MY take on what I heard - individual results may vary: The
show starts with a funny high-tuned voice introducing the personnel on the album
over layers of singing and chanting, drums, bass, keyboards, and synthesized horns.
It changes gears with the Family Stoze singing "Let's Have Some Fun"
over a new set of faster rhythms, more voices, and layered instruments. A short
guitar and organ jam follows, which sets up an actual song - the soulful "Can
U Help Me Wit Some N 2 Eat." Silly turns to serious, but this urban blues
is the hallmark of P-Funk at it's best. Stozo makes a transition to the hilarious
"Kook Googa Mooga" right away, then calls upon a clapping digital crowd
to "Dance To The Fonk, Thanks 2 The Fonk." Stozo shifts to another
vibe with a sweet R&B number "I'm in love with a love hogg
channeling Barry White (low) and DeBarge (high), with Philly strings echoing through
the Midi. I treat this piece as an encore to the first set of DigiDonz mixes.
It's straight-faced clownery! Funkadelic's own late great Eddie (Maggot Brain)
Hazel appears as "Guest Ghost," in a recovered performance of "Upsidedown
Brain" with digital accompaniment - including subconscious (or not) references
to "Dog Star" with Clintonesque 'sixth sense' vocal rumblings edging-in.
I've been treating this cut as a bridge between Show #1 and Show #2. "Are
You Ready 4 This Thang 2 Go Down" kicks off another long swirling round of
layers, but they're even BETTER than the first! The slow "Reality Show Hose"
makes it's point with humor you can dance to, and the uptempo "Stozo Gets
Devius" is all sorts of fun, with that high clowning scat voice playing like
a guitar. The urban blues song comes back as "We're Gonna Make It,"
with new clavinet-driven, optimistic, energy. This remix of ideas is excellent,
and Stozo's DigiDonz Band takes over with "Urban Psycodelic Fonk Theme,"
leading into Treylewd Clinton and Steve Pannel advising all listeners to "Shake
Yo Butt!" The whole thing winds down with more clapping and the omnipresent
voice of recently-departed Mallia Franklin. There are more quotes from "We
Can Make It" as Virtual DJ Stozo brings the set to a close.
Psychodelic Funk is available by direct-sale only as of this writing. See
the cover below (Drawn by you-know-who) for the email address. The P-Funk army
has released their works independently over the last decade or so -- including
George Clinton. DigiDonz 2 is worthy of anybody's collection! | 

Franklin (1952-2010) |