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Gateway to Montana's Artistic Legacy

Exhibit Archives

The Call of the Mountains 
The Artists of Glacier National Park

June 27 to October 12, 2002

Call of the Mountains: the Artists of Glacier National Park Exhibition

Featuring the early writers, photographers, and painters of
Glacier National Park and the Great Northern Railway.

Crown of the Continent 
The explorers of the Northern Rocky Mountains, and the men who brought the railroad to the Flathead Valley and the magical region we now call Glacier National Park. Frank Bird Grinnell, Dr. Lyman Sperry, Albert Sperry, Louis Hill, Bill Kenny & the Great Northern Goat (pictorially designed by Joe Scheuerle), homesteader Lee Kerr, and longtime educator Robert Scriver. Other great painters came through, like Carl Rungius, Guy Wiggins, and Clayton Staples. Read more
Word Painters 
Sturdy Band, by Phillip R. Goodwin

Charles M. Russell, his friends, and guests at the famous Bull Head Lodge on Lake McDonald created work that continues to inspire artists of today. From coast to coast, Philip Goodwin, Maynard Dixon, and Joe Scheuerle showed the American West to the world.
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Sign Talkers
Napi, by Charles M. Russell
Popular writers of the early Twentieth Century like Frank Bird Linderman, Mary Roberts Rinehart, and James Willard Schultz turned their experiences in the Glacier National Park area into best-sellers.
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Empire Builders
Creek, by John Fery
See America First!
The Great Northern Railway commissioned painters like Adolph Heinze, John Fery, Kathryn Leighton, and Winold Reiss to portray Glacier National Park on canvas and paper.
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Shadow Catchers
Cutbank River, by Ted Marble
Turn-of-the-century box cameras were hauled on horseback by photographers as tough and hardy as any cowboy or guide. Roland Reed, Ted Marble, T. J. Hileman, George Grant and others captured changing times and eternal landscapes.
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Call of the Mountains is graciously sponsored by The Glacier Fund, John and Patricia Case,  Melody and Stuart Johnson, Dr. Van Kirke and Helen Nelson, First Interstate Bank, National Endowment for the Arts, and the USDA Forest Service. 

Hockaday Museum of Art
302 Second Ave. East, Kalispell, Montana, 59901

(406) 755-5268  -  FAX (406) 755-2023