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Gateway to Montana's Artistic Legacy

Exhibit Archives

Hockaday 5th Annual Benefit Auction 
Miniatures & More

May 5 through silent auction on May 19, 2006

The Miniatures are paintings, sculptures, ceramics, and glass works that are 9 x 12 inches or smaller by more than 60 of the finest artists from around the Northwest. This 5th annual invitational fine art exhibition and auction also included a selection of larger works, as well as the very popular “Wall of Real Miniatures”, with postcard-sized works and small pottery pieces sold as a 100% donation by the artist to the Museum.

The auction, held Friday, May 19 from 5:00 to 8:00 pm, was followed by dinner in the Historic KM Building’s Mezzanine Ballroom with culinary creations by Red’s Wines and Blues. A free Preview Party was held Friday, May 5 where the Museum asked patrons to vote for the Purchase Award, which is purchased by the Museum for its permanent collection. The winner was "Wilderness Pond" by Jeff Walker. Past Purchase Award winning artists include R.E. Pierce, Frank Hagel, Joe Abbrescia and Mark Ogle. 

Artists in the 2006 auction included:

Wilderness Pond, by Jeff Walker
Wilderness Pond, oil, by Jeff Walker
2006 People's Choice Purchase Award Winner


Sue Abbrescia
Kelly Apgar
Susan Arthur
Robert Ball
Bye Bitney
Sheryl Bodily
Nancy Dunlop Cawdrey
Linda Christensen
Brent Cotton
Charles Davis
Josh DeWeese
Michael DiMuro
David Dragonfly
Marla Edmiston
Tom English
Haakon Ensign
Linda Ensign
Donna Gans
Parke Goodman
Frank Hagel
Carol Hagen
Roy Hughes
Betsey Hurd
Elloie Jeter
Eric Kaplan
Linda Katsuda
Karen Leigh
Jennifer Li
Ivan Long
Corinne Lundgren
Robert Markle
Herb McAllister
Diana McClaran
Miante McConnell
Dave Mihalic
Sheila Miles
Laura Miller
James Moore
Shawna Moore
Tara Moore
Kristen Murphy
Marshall Noice
Darrell Norman
Angelika Harden-Norman
Nicholas Oberling
Gini Ogle
Mark Ogle
Julie Oriet
R.E. Pierce
Ted Ramon
Sherry Salari-Sander
Tom Saubert
Lisa Schaus
Greg Scheibel
Brett Thuma
Linda Tippetts
Karen Vance
Paul Waldum
Jeff Walker
Rusti Warner
Tedrowe Watkins
Shannon Webster
Jeff Wilson

Hockaday Museum of Art  
302 Second Ave. East, Kalispell, Montana, 59901

(406) 755-5268  -  FAX (406) 755-2023