Medicine Shield
by King Kuka (1946-2004) |
Traveling Medicine Show
-- Montana Artists and Native
American Culture
July 3
through September 30, 2007
A display of toys, domestic articles, tools for
hunting and traveling, festive clothing and
accessories from the people of America's First
Nations -- along with pieces by Blackfeet
Gardipie, David
Dragonfly, and the late King Kuka, Crow artist Kevin
Red Star, serigraphs of illuminated Blackfeet Lodges
by Jessie Wilbur, and additional objects from the Hockaday's
own Traveling Medicine Show.
The show will run concurrently with our
Art Camps
Teachers and administrators are encouraged to
schedule our Traveling Medicine Show in
their schools:
Read our Handy Mail-In Form
Contact our Educational Coordinator at 755-5268