The Martian Weeklies: Flash Gordon's Second Serial

Page 2: The Flash Gordon serial of 1938 adapted only a few elements from the newspapers

The Paralyzo Ray existed on Mongo, but it was a room-sized device, triggered by Dale Arden to save Flash and Zarkov during a particularly dangerous moment. Zarkov built a Paralyzer Gun on Mars, but he eventually discarded the weapon.
Martian Queen Azura's Death Squadrons of 1938 wore uniforms which recalled Raymond's free-flowing Undersea Kingdom of Mongo sequence from 1936. Arch-Villain Emperor Ming was a returning star, in both newspapers and movies.
The Clay People bore a distant resemblance to the underground Death Dwarves of Witch Queen Azura's penultimate adventure in the Sunday pages. The realm of the Clay People was also named Land of the Dead by Azura's troopers in the 1938 Universal serial. Prince Barin was in the second film too, but true to form, he was often ineffective or unlucky.

(Above) Azura of Mongo faces the Death Dwarves.
(Right) Martian Azura disappears in a cloud of smoke, escaping her captors in the Land of the Dead.

Queen Azura redeemed herself in both Saturday serial and Sunday strip. The rules of the Hayes Office demanded that a villainess like Mars' Queen of Magic endure severe punishment, even death -- her treacherous ally Ming did the deed. Before she perished, though, she revealed the secret of lifting her curse from the Clay People. (below)
Raymond's Witch Queen of Mongo abdicated her throne to Flash Gordon after he saved her life during their ordeal with the Death Dwarves. When Ming rejected Flash's claim to be King of the Cave World with the words "your lying impudence amazes me," Gordon declared war on Mongo's emperor, and Azura disappeared from the strip.
Flash Gordon is the property of it's copyright holders.  All images are used for scholastic purposes ONLY in the context of this article. 
Text and graphic design copyright by Michael R. Evans 2009

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