Cellulose to Celluloid: Flash Gordon on Paper and Film
Chapter Two: Interplanetary Flight to the Unknown

The Earth People seem to be on a suicide course --
their first adventure may be their last in the comic strip.

The runaway planet is their vague destination in the serial.

Zarkov and his friendly aides want to save the Earth, but have no idea what they'll do once they arrive.

Things are not so sanguine in the newspapers. Dale takes the initiative, and helps take Zarkov out of the picture.

The movie mixes bleak rocky deserts with a distant, exotic city.

The Sunday page brings the extra-planetary cities closer to the audience,
since they are cheaper to draw than to build.

Raymond's runaway rocket is doomed to a crash-landing. Zarkov is left behind, but appears again in a later episode.

Universal's avuncular Zarkov lands gently, but noisily, on the strange new planet with his two young companions.

Flash Gordon is the property of it's copyright holders.  All images are used for scholastic purposes ONLY in the context of this article. 
Text and graphic design copyright by Michael R. Evans 2008