Cellulose to Celluloid: Flash Gordon on Paper and Film
Chapter Three: Mongo -- Planet of Dinosaurs, Spaceships, and Ill-tempered Hosts

Dale runs afoul of huge scary monsters right away.

Jean Rogers suffers the same fate, via trick photography.

A fancy rocket with fins and pipes dives out of the blue to bomb the big brutes and save the Earthpeople.

A whole fleet of ships comes to their aid in the comic pages, but the result is the same.

Alex Raymond wasn't kidding about "strange figures."

Universal spent the money to duplicate them, though!

Emperor Ming and his throne followed Raymond's design.

Ming resembles Sax Rohmer's Fu Manchu.

Gordon first battles Monkey Men in the arena, and wins.

The Monkey Men are played by pro wrestlers in the movie.

Flash Gordon is the property of it's copyright holders.  All images are used for scholastic purposes ONLY in the context of this article. 
Text and graphic design copyright by Michael R. Evans 2008