Cellulose to Celluloid: Flash Gordon on Paper and Film
Chapter Four: Princess Aura falls in with the Earthman on several levels

Aura appears early, and defies Ming soon after.

Princess Aura, as drawn by Raymond, is a sudden surprise.

Let us just say the Princess fell for the Earthman after his first fight.

Aura and Gordon drop into Ming's dungeons.

Stunt people or not, they bounce on a handy net.

May I have this dance, Princess Aura?

What Raymond drew in the comic strip ...

... Hollywood re-created with cross-cutting.

Princess Aura leads Gordon out of the catacombs.

Aura knows ALL the dirty secrets of Ming's palace.

She's also as treacherous as her old man.

Their initial co-adventures are very similar on paper and film.

Flash Gordon is the property of it's copyright holders.  All images are used for scholastic purposes ONLY in the context of this article. 
Text and graphic design copyright by Michael R. Evans 2008