Cellulose to Celluloid: Flash Gordon on Paper and Film
Chapter Five: Beleagured Larry Gordon becomes aggressive FLASH Gordon
Flash Gordon changes what is left of his shredded clothes and dons his characteristic uniform for the first time.
The comic strip and film are somewhat in sync as the impetuous youngster takes on a fleet of freaky Space Gyros.
Emperor Ming interrupts other evil deeds to scramble his defenses. Hollywood matted the attacking fleet into footage of his futuristic laboratory -- a trick that worked well in Just Imagine, and will work again and again and again.
Flash obviously learned SOMETHING from Zarkov about flying those noisy machines, but this sequence makes no sense, except as an excuse for exotic violence, Prince Thun of the Lion Men emerges from the wreckage of his ship and nobly forgives Gordon because he's Ming's enemy too. His big muscles come in handy REAL SOON!

Flash Gordon is the property of it's copyright holders.  All images are used for scholastic purposes ONLY in the context of this article. 
Text and graphic design copyright by Michael R. Evans 2008