Kugler at Barsham Fair -- Summer 1975 Johnny
Melville writes: I first met Georgio in Barsham Fair, a medieval festival
in England in 1975. I was performing at that festival with my group SALAKTA BALLOON
BAND and on the first day there I noticed a large crowd enthusing round a juggler.
Dressed in coloured overalls, he had beautifully long reddish-blond hair which
bounced on his shoulders in roll-up locks which a baroque wig-maker would have
been jealous of. He was doing something I had never seen before - juggling a cauliflower,
an apple and a peanut. Now in those days juggling had not yet become a mass phenomenon
like now, and I was used to seeing the typical street performer with 3 clubs and
3 balls.....but here was Georgio innovating with 3 different sizes and weights,
eating the apple as he juggled and when he finished that off he flipped the peanut
high in the air and caught it perfectly in his mouth, the cauliflower perching
on his neck. Over those days he also adopted a festival-partner: a 6 year old
princess whom he integrated into his show: it was utter charm and it was funny
too. |
takes a break at Barsham Fair in Suffolk, England enroute to the Edinburgh Festival
in Scotland.
 | Johnny
Melville writes:
with the little girl who adopted him. Barsham was also a wonderful festival the
like of which I haven't seen for a long time. It was authentic as much as possible
and anti-sponsor, anti-commercial. Later George worked for a long time with
Jack Millet doing contact impro stuff from like 1979 till 1990 more or less. I
organised a mini clown festival once in Frankfurt at Sinkkasten ... invited them
there. I even ran the Sinkkasten for 2 weeks when Marianne and Detlef went
to Key West. That was wild - real responsible I was !!!
remember the Curiosity Box, it was great with the kids. Years later I saw a fabulous
version from the Natural Theatre using a bath chair and three people as well as
a small box. |
portion of an online conversation with Warwick: Curiosity box was just
that, a small box that the performer ... referred to whilst performing. It held
something surprising, hopefully marvelous, that only a couple of people could
see at any one time ... as seen by the wider audience. Curiosity -- if there was
a gasp of surprise all the better. The Natural Theatre had a tiny speaking
person in a box held in the lap of an invalid in a bath chair. You could ask questions
and the tiny person would answer. But it could only be seen by three or four people.
So the wider audience would become curiouser and curiouser as the inner audience
reacted. A marvelous device for a walking street show. |
courtesy of Warwick Moreton, slightly redigitized by M.E. Many thanks to Johnny
and Warwick for their quotations. All
Rights Reserved for the Great Salt Lake Mime Troupe Saga © Michael R. Evans 2010
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